Hidden River is Flowing

The Schuylkill River. “Schuylkill” is Dutch for “Hidden River”

As with many arts organizations, Hidden River has faced some obstacles, some slow-downs, some difficulties, during the pandemic. But we are still here. Submissions to our awards are still being deliberated – and we’ll be announcing the semi-finalists and finalists of a few of the awards over the next two weeks.

Our publishing pipeline has been a bit paralyzed, but we are starting to move once again, and will be launching two new titles – The Emigrant and Other Stories by Justine Dymond and Hillbilly Guilt by Roy Bentley – more news on that later this week. The next two books in the pipeline are Remembering Water by Tuan Phan and Houses by Charles Wyatt. We’ll be releasing news about all the titles in our pipeline shortly.

During the COVID shut downs, we put some of our awards on hold so that we could catch up with our existing submissions. As we move forward, we may be making some changes to the awards, so follow us here on our blog in order to be up to date on those details.

So, as summer 2021 begins, things here are coming back to life. Please be sure to stay connected by following us here, and we’ll be sure to keep things updated as Hidden River begins to flow again!